Monday, September 29, 2008

Need for Bylaws

The last year as president has been quite the challenge and a learning experience.

Nothing has symbolized that more than when the Sarah, Justin and I learned from national that MD Pro Chapter has been operating without chapter bylaws for possibly as long as a decade.

National requires all chapters to have them. They can be as simple or elaborate as you can imagine. Believe me, over the last few months, I've read more than my share form chapters large and small all over the country.

By now, you should have received a draft copy of bylaws for our chapter. As the principal drafter, I believe these bylaws give us a good solid start as we move forward with revitalizing the chapter.

Per my conversations with national leaders including Dave Aeikens, the newly sworn in national president, I have promised to deliver bylaws after the next meeting of the chapter officers.

I invite you all to read this document carefully as it guides our little democracy here in Maryland.

After reading it, please feel free to e-mail me or any of the other officers with questions or comments. You can also leave your comments here on the blog and we'll answer them for everyone else to see and comment on.

The officers will vote on these bylaws when we meet on Oct. 7 at Panera in Towson, 1238 Putty Hill Avenue, Towson, MD 21286.

Monday, September 22, 2008

State board looks at 'pre-meetings'

The Baltimore Examiner reports that the state's Open Meetings Compliance Board is reviewing a complaint about pre-meetings held by two members of the Board of Public Works — Gov. Martin O'Malley and state Treasurer Nancy Kopp.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mark your calendars

The Changing World of Journalism: From Teletype to Twitter...Where Do We Go From Here?

Sponsors: (Host) University of Maryland Student Chapter, Society of Professional Journalists; SPJ Washington Professional Chapter; SPJ Maryland Pro Chapter; Washington RTNDA Chapter

When: Monday, Oct. 6 6:30 - 9p

Where: University of Maryland, College Park
Plant Science Building, Room 1140

This location is within easy walking distance from the Metro shuttle on campus and is across the street from a parking garage.

Who: Moderator: Jerry Zremski, Bureau Chief, Buffalo News, Immediate Past President National Press Club

  • Mark Miller, News Director, WBAL Radio
  • Leslie Walker, Knight Visiting Professor in Digital Innovation, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; former columnist/reporter The Washington Post and former editor
  • Kevin Blackistone, Povich Chair, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; contributor to Politico, columnist for AOL Sports, commentator for National Public Radio and former reporter for the Dallas Morning News

RSVP to Sue Kopen Katcef

FYI...the lecture hall seats 100.

This program is part of a nationwide celebration of the National Press Club's 100th anniversary and, as such, will feature an excerpt from the organization's special documentary, "A Century of Headlines." Copies of the documentary will be distributed to those attending the program.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Facebook group

The chapter has started a new Facebook group called (appropriately enough) SPJ Maryland Pro Chapter.

If you're on or considering it, I'd urge you to join the chapter group.

It's one more way for you to keep tabs on your chapter and one more way for us to get information out to you about upcoming events.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh, and there was business, too

Sarah and I inadvertently appear on the cover of this mornings SPJ Working Press doing what reporters at conventions and any where else love to do — get something to eat.

The photo was taken at the Opening Night reception and silent/live auction to benefit the Legal Defense Fund.

Had to leave in order to resist bidding on a chair signed by Washington Post Editor Ben Bradley, Woodward and Bernstein and others. All of the signatures came from the panel at last year's convention. And the chairs were actually used by one of the signers.

Way out of this journalist's price range.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Green Thumb award revisited and off to Atlanta

It's been mentioned here before but here is the official announcement about the award the Maryland Pro Chapter will receive in Atlanta this weekend.

Sarah Breitenbach and I are off to Atlanta to attend the business meetings and cast the chapter's three votes in this year's election.

Updates as warranted.