Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another new free paper

Print is dead, right?

Behold Exhibit A, the new, free publication from The Daily Record.

This from an e-mail announcement forwarded to the chapter:

The first issue of Exhibit A is now available! This quirky legal publication is full of outrageous-but-true crime stories, captivating headlines and practical information to help people understand the legal system.

Published in Baltimore by
The Daily Record, Exhibit A is free and available in black boxes on street corners throughout the city and in area retail outlets.

Headlines from the premiere issue include:
•Indentity Theft: Protect your money, your credit, and your family
• A bank's report could put the FBI on your trail
• Don't leave your family with a badly written will
• Take a tip from "The Wire" writers: Jurors should take a stand against 'drug war'

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